

By February 25, 2022 September 11th, 2024 7 Comments

In the year 2021, the Save Lamu organization, through partnerships and collaborative efforts, willingness to work together for the betterment of the Community, closely worked with affected communities in Lamu, from the fisher-folks who are yet to receive their compensation, to the people living in Kwasasi, the proposed area for the Lamu coal project.

Throughout the year, we experienced a lot of things which made us much stronger in advocating and fighting for community rights and creating awareness of the effects of climate change and the negative effects of coal power plants.


  1. We were able to update the fishermen as the directly affected community in Lamu County on the LAPSSET case and the compensation process.
  2. More communities are now informed about the coal case appeal and judgement.
  3. Through training and capacity building, our board members and staff have gained knowledge on utilising social media platforms as a campaign tool and mapping out relevant institutions and letter submissions.
  4. The compensation process has now taken a step ahead after our advocacy work on fighting for fishermen’s rights.
  5. The struggle of fighting on climate change has now grown bigger since more women are now well-educated.


  1. Since fishermen were not yet compensated Save Lamu has been facing challenges as some of the fishermen lose hope in the middle of the process and are blaming Save Lamu for the delay, despite the organization working very hard to ensure all the fishermen get their compensation and none of their rights is being violated.
  2. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic which brought almost everything to a standstill due to the Ministry of Health directive banning all public gatherings, we still managed to conduct our advocacy work through Zoom, which is a struggle due to a lack of stable internet connection in some of the villages within Lamu east and a few from the west.    Find below the link for the video of our summary work for 2021                                                                                        


Story| Khadija Juma/Save Lamu


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