Using the vision co-created by the various indigenous communities and livelihood groups in Lamu, poet, Mohammed Omar created a poem to encompass the issues of concern and ideals for Lamu, dubbed “Lamu Vision 2030”. The vision was first created at the 2.5day workshop held by Save Lamu.

“Ruwaza yetu ni kujenga jamii iliyoendelea, yenye nguvu kiutamaduni, kiuchumi na kisiasa, na inayojitahidi kumiliki na kutunza rasilmali zetu na kuhifadhi mazingira”.

WA LAMU TUUNGANENI TUTETEE HAKI ZETU (People of Lamu Let’s Unite, so that We can Fight for our Rights)

Written by: Mohammed Omar

1.  Nataka kuisaili, serikali kwa yakini
I wish to interrogate, the government with sincerity
Kwa chuki zilokabili, nawalo Lamu mjini
On the hatred that exists and animosity
Kati ya sisi wawili, mwenye makosa ninani?
Between the two of us, who acted incorrectly?


2.  Sisi ni raiya wema, toka zama zakadimu
We have been responsible, for decades long gone
Twatunga zetu heshima, si waoga mufahamu
We preserve our integrity, without fear of anyone
kwa dhati tumesimama, kuwapinga madhulumu
We have stood against you fully honest and open


3.  Wachani zenu haraka, mamboe yachunguzeni
Stop your haste, and start to investigate
Tulitakalo hakika, twawaomba pulikani
What we want is for you to listen to our state
Amani Lamu twataka, ibaki kama zamani
We want peace in Lamu as in the past dates


4.  Poti ilofikiriwa, kwenye ardhi ya Lamu
We asked about the proposed port in Lamu
Nani aloshauriwa, kwa swala hili muhimu
Who was consulted on this important subject?
Ni nguvu imetumiwa, kutaka kutudhulumu
It was only abuse of power that was enforced


5.  Sisi nanyi hatuteti, ladhicha kwetu sishani
We don’t wish to fight, as war is not proper
Wala hatupingi poti, la kujengewa mijini
Nor do we oppose the port to be built on our land
Lakini kwa masharuti, tukaeni tupangeni
But we have our demands, let’s sit and plan
6.  Tuwe ni jamii bora, kwa mila na tamaduni
A better community, both heritage and culture
Tuwe kwenye mazingira, yakuridhisha nyoyoni
In an environment that satisfies our nature
Daima tuwe twang’ara, wenzetu watutamani
So forever we can shine, for others to admire in future


7.  Uchumi usitawike, visiwani na barani
Our island and mainland economy should not be left behind
Shida kwetu ziondoke, zisirudi asilani
Our problems should be eliminated for all times
Daima tufurahike, furaha ziso kifani
Forever dwelling in happiness, with no match of any kind


8.  Tuwe na ulinzi bora, zimakinike nafusi
To have better security, so that we can be at ease
Tulipo tuwe imara, tusiwe na wasi wasi
To have more stability, without any worries
Wezi wa mali kupora, wawe hawana nafasi
Making no room for criminals and thieves


9.  Ufikapo uchaguzi, kura zetu tupigeni
When the elections come, our votes we shall cast
Kuchagua viongozi, wenye hadhi na thamani
To select leaders of dignity and self-worth
Ili wawe watetezi, wetu tulo waamini
So that they can be our fighters that we trust


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