BlogCOVID-19 Response


By July 3, 2020 February 15th, 2022 206 Comments

Photo credit/story Khadija Juma/Save Lamu

With the virus that has spread globally attacking almost the entire universe, the scary news has become a day to day nightmare to the wellbeing of humans, with Kenya as a Country recording over 6000 cases of people infected with the virus, well-wishers and community organizations have engaged in doing what it takes to make sure the virus does not spread any further.

Save Lamu a community organization in Lamu, Launched a campaign in November 2019, its main purpose was to identify, know and learn the History of Lamu and the natural resources present in the region, Lamu is known to be of the places with a lot of natural resources present from Marine life to agricultural activities, Save Lamu through the campaign named “Shani ya Lamu”,  supplied water tanks in Lamu County hopefully to help stop the spread of Covid-19 in almost all the villages in Lamu County.

Save Lamu supplied water tanks in different parts of the County including the area chiefs office and childrens play area, due to this program the organization was able to reach out to so many people by educating them in following the governments directive in making sure that the disease does not spread any further

The ongoing curfew is rapidly affecting the economy of Lamu bringing almost everything to a standstill, The rate at which goods coming in and out of the County has slowed down leaving the majority of businesses at stake from agriculture to the fishing industry where fishermen are experiencing big losses for not being able to export their goods to other counties which are currently on lockdown, Lamu is a county well known for the good production of fish.

Ishaq Abubakar, Save Lamu

“ We as Save Lamu are working hand in hand with communities in Lamu to ensure that this pandemic is contained. our County has soo much to offer beyond tourism as our way of life ” remarked Is’haq Abubakar, board member of Save Lamu.

Lamu is celebrated for various reasons including the solid culture it has, including fishing and tourism, among many more that are now affected by the pandemic. These attributes are threatened as the lockdown affects fishing, transport, and some services that are pivotal for the island.

“ It is our responsibility as Kenyans to work with our leadership to reduce cases of infection within the country. This pandemic calls for everyone to engage and ensure that we are all playing our part in defeating it, and most especially right now that Lamu has recorded over 20 cases of COVID-19 cases ” said Alwiya Ahmed from Save Lamu.

With the order from the Government that people should wear protective gears like face masks hopefully to stop the spread of the deadly COVID-19, Save Lamu, however, launched a campaign of sewing more than 10,000 facemasks to distribute it to Lamu residents, with Lamu recording over 300 cases of coronavirus, save Lamu has carried out a series of exercises to educate the community on the importance of washing hands with soap on running water, wearing protective gears like facemasks avoiding crowded places.


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